Sean Meyn - Control Techniques for Complex Systems

Organisé par : 

Bruno Gaujal

Intervenant : 

Sean Meyn, Professor at University of Florida

Équipes : 

- L’équipe MESCAL a le plaisir d’accueillir pour 2 jours (lundi 2 et mardi 3 décembre) le Prof. Sean Meyn qui est un spécialiste mondial du contrôle des systèmes distribués.

- Il fera un expose en F107 (bat. Inria), lundi 2 Dec. a 13h30. Venez nombreux !

A focus of systems & control research is to create simplified models of reality to obtain insight regarding the structure of effective policies for control. The talk will survey how this point of view can be applied to approach resource allocation problems, such as those that will arise in the next-generation power grid. We also show how insight from this kind of analysis can be used to construct architectures for reinforcement learning algorithms used in a broad range of applications.

Much of the talk is a survey from a recent book by the author with a similar title :

Control Techniques for Complex Networks

Cambridge University Press, 2007.

And more recent work in :

Feature selection for neuro-dynamic programming

Book chapter, D. Huang, W. Chen, P. Mehta, S. Meyn, and A. Surana.

In F. Lewis, editor, Reinforcement Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming for Feedback Control. Wiley, 2011